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Lost in Translation

Jul 30, 2024
Jul 29, 2024
Browser, Mobile


Your ship has landed on Thesaurus, a planet that has a VERY different language from yours! Unfortunately, you can't refer to the language because any documentation of it has been wiped from the system. Your goal is to translate as many words as possible for this new dictionary before leaving the planet. 

Use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. You can walk up to signs and then click on them to learn more about the Thesauri and their culture.

The only way to learn Thesauri is to talk to the denizens of this new planet! To talk to someone, move close to them and click on them. During the conversation, they'll speak to you completely in Thesauri. Using context clues, try to guess what they mean. When you learn a new word, it will be written in your notebook. Click on the notebook on the bottom-right to open it and you can type your guesses into your notebook to translate the words in real-time. 

The Thesauri may ask you a question and you have to respond to them in their language as best as you can. Type what you think the right response would be in the text bar. If you don't get it right the first time, that's okay! You can always talk with them again once you figure out how to answer. They may also want an item from you. Your inventory will appear and you can click on any of the items to give. It's a test of trial and error!

It will be very difficult to figure out what one alien is saying by only talking to them. You will have to talk to multiple aliens to discover clues about what the words mean!

You can leave at any time, but you will be scored according to how many words you've correctly translated. 

Can you translate all 25 words before you leave the planet?

あなたの船は、あなたの言語とはまったく異なる言語を持つ惑星、Thesaurus に着陸しました。残念ながら、その言語に関する文書はシステムから消去されているため、その言語を参照することはできません。あなたの目標は、惑星を離れる前に、この新しい辞書にできるだけ多くの単語を翻訳することです。

矢印キーまたは WASD を使用して移動します。標識に近づいてクリックすると、シソーラスとその文化についてさらに詳しく知ることができます。


シソーラスがあなたに質問を投げかけ、あなたはできる限り彼らの言語で答えなければなりません。テキスト バーに、正しい答えだと思うものを入力してください。最初はうまく答えられなくても大丈夫です。答え方がわかったら、いつでも彼らともう一度話すことができます。彼らはまた、あなたからアイテムを欲しがるかもしれません。あなたのインベントリが表示され、いずれかのアイテムをクリックして与えることができます。これは試行錯誤のテストです。



地球を去る前に、25 語すべてを翻訳できますか?


0 XP
Jul 30, 2024
Jul 29, 2024
Browser, Mobile


Your ship has landed on Thesaurus, a planet that has a VERY different language from yours! Unfortunately, you can't refer to the language because any documentation of it has been wiped from the system. Your goal is to translate as many words as possible for this new dictionary before leaving the planet. 

Use the Arrow Keys or WASD to move. You can walk up to signs and then click on them to learn more about the Thesauri and their culture.

The only way to learn Thesauri is to talk to the denizens of this new planet! To talk to someone, move close to them and click on them. During the conversation, they'll speak to you completely in Thesauri. Using context clues, try to guess what they mean. When you learn a new word, it will be written in your notebook. Click on the notebook on the bottom-right to open it and you can type your guesses into your notebook to translate the words in real-time. 

The Thesauri may ask you a question and you have to respond to them in their language as best as you can. Type what you think the right response would be in the text bar. If you don't get it right the first time, that's okay! You can always talk with them again once you figure out how to answer. They may also want an item from you. Your inventory will appear and you can click on any of the items to give. It's a test of trial and error!

It will be very difficult to figure out what one alien is saying by only talking to them. You will have to talk to multiple aliens to discover clues about what the words mean!

You can leave at any time, but you will be scored according to how many words you've correctly translated. 

Can you translate all 25 words before you leave the planet?

あなたの船は、あなたの言語とはまったく異なる言語を持つ惑星、Thesaurus に着陸しました。残念ながら、その言語に関する文書はシステムから消去されているため、その言語を参照することはできません。あなたの目標は、惑星を離れる前に、この新しい辞書にできるだけ多くの単語を翻訳することです。

矢印キーまたは WASD を使用して移動します。標識に近づいてクリックすると、シソーラスとその文化についてさらに詳しく知ることができます。


シソーラスがあなたに質問を投げかけ、あなたはできる限り彼らの言語で答えなければなりません。テキスト バーに、正しい答えだと思うものを入力してください。最初はうまく答えられなくても大丈夫です。答え方がわかったら、いつでも彼らともう一度話すことができます。彼らはまた、あなたからアイテムを欲しがるかもしれません。あなたのインベントリが表示され、いずれかのアイテムをクリックして与えることができます。これは試行錯誤のテストです。



地球を去る前に、25 語すべてを翻訳できますか?